The girl that cried WOLF

In the morning of Tuesday, the breaking news of the day, was that of a girl that supposedly was gang rape by 5 guys some of them freshmen in the University of Hofstra. The girl said that she was lure into a dorm room by one guy that had taken her cell phone and when she got in the room there were 4 more guys waiting there to rape her.

Well, that's what she made all of us believe. It was sad for me to see these young guys getting arrested and accused of rape right in the beginning of the school year. my thoughts at the beginning were that of a person whom felt sad for what had happened to her. And disbelieve that by the looks of the boys I didn't feel like they had committed the act, even though you can never really tell about what a person is really capable of from looks only.

But two days went by and the breaking news came saying that the boys were release from jail and all charges were being dropped. What happened? Well, the girl was supposedly presented with video evidence that show her agreeing to the acts and then she confessed that she did agreed to have sex with the boys( about 4 of them). She had made up this story rape when confronted by her boy friend, she changed her story to make herself the victim of the choices she made. so here is how it happened. She met up with one of the guys whom really lure her into a bathroom but she did agree to it, then he told her to engage in other acts with his buddies back at the dorm room were they just moved a couple of week prior. She also agreed, she headed back and performed oral, anal, and vaginal sex with the boys. Afterward, she most likely felt guilty about what had happened, I think anybody would, but here is where the story change. After she got back to her dorm room her boyfriend was waiting for her at the door and she felt found out and her need to create this terrible story grew from excusing herself to accusing others for her consensual act.

I feel sorry for women that growing up in a country like the USA that truly protects them from predators that really mean them real harm, can accuse innocent people just to justify their actions. If all she wanted was to have fun and experience the acts she engage in why can she do it without prejudice against herself and others and putting communitties, parent, friends and others to shame.
Live free but let live free.

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